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Grand livre
Title | Image | Objective | FMS |
Flip Frenzy 3 Up | For two players try to outdo each other by getting three of the four Flip Frenzy pucks to be facing with the colour up or down. |
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Flip Frenzy 2 Higher Jumps 5X | Players compare Flip Frenzy (or cards or numbered plates...) and the one that is two higher jumps five times. |
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Kangaroo Fish Taco Tag | Players jump like kangaroos in an effort not to get tagged by kangaroo holding a fish taco that is IT. |
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Sliding Lobster Tag | To not get caught by the lobster |
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Snag Race | For one player to snag a partner's ball and run back over an endline without getting tagged. |
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Markers and Taggers in Fours | For a groups of four players to mark another group of four players and attempt to walk and tag the other group. |
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Markers and Taggers in Pairs | For a pair of players to mark another pair of players and attempt to walk and tag the other pair. |
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Lift Hula Hoop Over and Jump Back In |
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Mobility Aids | Using a wheelchair in all terrains |
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Bear Race | Teams attempt to Bear Walk over their teammates as quickly as possible. |
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Kangaroo Chicken Taco Tag | Players jump like kangaroos in an effort not to get tagged by kangaroo holding a chicken taco that is IT. |
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All Terrain Manual Wheelchair—Engineered for Adventure | Using a wheelchair in all terrains |
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Step Through Race | For three players to step through hands held in a circle a set number of times. |
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Hop Step and Jump Into a Hoop | For one player to complete hop, step, and jumps into a hoop while partner moves hoop. |
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Everyone It Rolling | To be the last player standing |
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Risky Play Crossing Creeks |
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Hallway Locomotor Course | Players complete the locomotor challenges laid out on the floor |
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Sealskin Rope Jumping |
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Loppy Ladder | For teams of three to four attempt to move a player quickly down the floor by creating a ladder of floppy pool noodles. |
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Three Into Your Corner | Four players each attempt to get three spots in their corner. |
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Two-Sided Tag | For players to not get tagged, but if they do they must perform a skill on the opposite side of the tagging area. |
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Fennell, Broccoli, and Turnip | Players follow the instructions with words beginning with F means move forward, B move backwards, and T turn around. |
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Butterfly Tag | For players to not get tagged, and be freed through a hula hoop if tagged. |
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Longer Chain Tag |
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Roped Tag | An indigenous game in which the tagger tries to tag an end player without getting tagged by the player between the ropes. |
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Steps Through Hoop | To count how many times a player can step through a hoop before the hoop falls flat on the ground. |
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Kangaroo Tag |
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Dinosaur Tag | Players wear clothes pegs on their backs representing their dorsal vertebrae, and then players try to add vertebrae while protecting their own. |
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Partner Tag | For paired up players to tag other paired up players... |
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Creek Play | To safely cross a creek with an improvised bridge and dam |
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Reverse Blob | For ITs to tag, with a ball, all players so there are not chains of players left. |
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Omnikin Yoga Level 1 | For players to accomplish the yoga-balance moves. |
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Omnikin Yoga Level 2 | For players to accomplish the yoga-balance moves. |
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Omnikin Yoga Level 3 | For players to accomplish the yoga-balance moves. |
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Octopus and Seaweed | For players not to get tagged by an Octopus or seaweed |
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Hop Scotch | For two to four players to complete tossing a marker accurately and hopping and jumping through a course. |
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Penguin Chicken Taco Tag | For all players to walk as penguins with a beanbag between their knees and avoid getting tagged by the chicken taco. |
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Finding Balance | Players move on boards to determine balance and use of fulcrums |
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Partner Tag | For pairs of players not to get tagged by a pair of ITs |
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Ostrich Tag | For players to stay safe being tagged by doing an Ostrich pose. |
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Bunny Hop Mob | For individuals to join in the Bunny Hop Chain |
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Coraling the Herd | For pairs of players, holding two pool noodles each, catch the herd and move them to the corner of the field (playing area) |
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Butt Tag | For players not to get hit on their Butt by someone else's pool noodle |
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Hopping Ball Tag | For players to hop about playing area and not tagged by a ball held by an IT. |
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Switch Trees | To end at a tree after middle person calls, "Switch." |
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Tagged Squat | For ITs to tag all players so they are all doing squats. |
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Shuffle Tag Warm Up | Shuffle along lines and try not get tagged by an IT |
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Ice Skating Tag | For ITs to tag people and freeze all players. |
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Star Race | Be the quickest player to run around the star, leap frog over your team, and grab the bean bag in the middle. |
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Sliding Relay | To engage in a relay, or any other game, developing the physical literacy skill of sliding. |
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Safe Under a Halo | For taggers to tag all players and players trying to stay safe. |
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Sponge Tag | Players attempt to hit others with sponges and avoiding getting hit themselves. |
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Octopus Tag | For players not to get tagged by an Octopus or Seaweed |
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Lilypad Dodgeball | For throwers hitting other players with the ball so that they join the throwing team (from a seated position) |
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Three Lunges | Executing three different types of lunges. |
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Locomotor Course | For players to complete a course involving different locomotor patterns. |
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Hot Dog Tag | Its try to tag all players, and all players try to keep each other free by laying beside a tagged player. |
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Gold Rush | To get all the gold as quickly as possible. |
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Freeze & High Ten Tag | For taggers to freeze all players. |
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Cow Tipping Tag | For the Its to make cows of all players. |
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Chain Tag | For several chains of people to capture all the players. |
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Obstacle Course | Design and challenge each other to build and complete an obstacle couse |
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Topple Three Up | For two players try to outdo each other by getting three of the four ToppleTubes to be facing up |
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Bug Tag | For its to make all players dying bugs. |
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Centipede | For back player to run to the front of the line each time. |
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Turtle | For groups to cover themselves with a parachute and wiggle their way to a destination line. |
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Ultimate Everyone It | To be the last player standing |
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Porcupine | For teams of three to win at Rock Paper Scissors and get the most clothes pegs on their porcupine. |
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Tag the Big Ball | For a player to tag the big ball that is going around inside a circle of players. |
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Rock Paper Scissors Team Tag With Big Ball | To try and eliminate the other team by tagging opponents with the big ball. |
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Team Crab Walk With Huge Ball | To be the last player on both teams to not have been tagged by the huge ball. |
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Unique Rabbit | To tag a player and not get tagged back before running across a start line. |
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Komkin | For each team to have at least one player left at the end of a game. |
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Penguin Lobster Tag | To not get caught by the lobster |
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Stealth | For one player to pickup a beanbag without getting tagged. |
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Team Porcupine | For teams of four players to get as many clothes pegs onto their porcupine as possible. |
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LeMansGiantPursuit | For one team to tag a player from another team with their giant ball. |
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Circle Tag | For a player to not get tagged by the giant ball. |
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Circle Chase | For a player to tag the giant ball. |
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Rock Paper Scissors 20-Second Chase | For players to not get tagged by the giant ball. |
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Rolling Giant Ball--With Feet | Players try to get a giant ball to successfully go around the circle as many times as possible using only their feet. |
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Beach, Bridge, and Boats | ​To successfully negotiate the different spaces. |
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Beach, Bridge, and Boats with Tag | ​To successfully negotiate the different spaces. |
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Beach, Bridge, and Boats 2 Player Tag | ​To successfully negotiate the different spaces. |
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Rolling Tag | To not get tagged by a rolling ball. |
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Mouse Gets The Cheese | For the mouse to get the cheese without getting tagged by the cat. |
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Anaerobic Beanbag Race | To have the most bean bags in your hoop at the end of a pre-determined time. |
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Chicken Taco Tag | To not get tagged by the chicken taco |
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Penguin Squish Stepper Tag | To not get tagged by the penquins. |
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Heel Toe Lobster Tag | To not get caught by the lobster |
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Wheeling Around | For groups to maintain a circle as they move around the wall of a room. |
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Balloon Train | For teams of three to four players successfully complete a course by keeping balloons between each other. |
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Car Trouble | For each team to complete the tasks as quickly as possible |
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Chariot Race | The team that pulls their chariot around the track nine times is the winner |
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Indianapolis 500 | The team that pushes their driver around the track nine times is the winner |
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Scooter Inchworm Race | This is a race to determine which team can complete the race the quickest. |
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Slalom Race | This is a race to see which team can have each of their players complete the obstacle course and all sit in the starting position the quickest. |
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Dog Sled Race | For teams to be the fastest to pull a sled around an obstacle course in the snow. |
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Snowflake | For each team to gain as many beanbags as possible |
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Freeze Thaw Tag | For taggers to freeze all the players |
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Hoop Combine Relay | For teams of three players to complete this relay challenge as quickly as possible. |
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Jump Rope Jump | For each player to be able to jump over a rope swung beneath their feet. |
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Five-Player Continuous Rally | To determine how long the rally can be maintained. |
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Frozen Tag | For the IT to freeze all the participants. |
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All It | To tag others while not getting tagged |
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Pressure Tag | To not be tagged by an It |
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Dribble Tag | For the It to tag another player |
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Frozen Tag | To not get tagged by the It |
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Ball Safe | To avoid being tagged by the It |
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Last One It | ​To be the last player tagged |
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Bounce and Follow | To make 15 passes as quickly as possible |
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Running Triangles | For each pair to pass and run around the triangle as quickly as possible |
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Twin Races | For a pair of runners to complete a race as quickly as possible |
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Balancing Act | For two players to see how many different ways they can balance themselves on two stability balls |
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Twin Races | For a pair of runners to complete a race as quickly as possible |
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Look Mom | For a pair of players to carry a stability ball across a room without dropping it and without using their arms or hands |
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Balancing Act | For two players to see how many different ways they can balance themselves on two stability balls |