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Penguin Lobster Tag
Titre 1
Titre 1
To not get caught by the lobster
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
-Liste d'équipement:
One Lobster Claw for every 7-10 players.
One bean bag for every player.

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Players are in a scattered formation in the playing area.
All players have a bean bag between their knees.
For every 8-10 players give a lobster claw.
Those people hold the lobster claw in front of them.
On the signal to begin the lobsters try to trap player in their claws.
When a player is caught that player becomes the new lobster.
-Questions et notes:
Questions for understanding:
What makes it easier for lobsters to catch players?
What makes it less likely for players to get caught by the lobsters?
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