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Train net avec raquettes

Cliquez sur le titre du jeu pour voir la description complète du jeu
Ladder In-In-Out-Out Racquet Rally

Running and stepping in and out of every rung, forward, then backward... while bouncing a ball or bird on a racquet.

  • Locomotor

    • Running

  • Manipulative Send​

    • Propel​

Narrow Clear, Smash, Drop

See how long players can keep the sequence going.

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

  • Manipulative Send

    • Strike​​

Played by the book

Players learn to add precision and deception to their shot.

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

  • Manipulative Send

    • Strike​​

Short and Long Game

The objective of this game is to have the bird land on the opponent’s court.

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

  • Manipulative Send

    • Strike​​


See how many successive drive shots players can achieve.

  • Manipulative Send

    • Strike​

Cat in the Middle

Two players hit continuous clears to each other that are high and deep enough to avoid the cat from intercepting the bird.

  • Manipulative Send

    • Strike​

Cooperative Net-play

Players try to see how long they can hit the bird to each other moving from one side of the court to the other and then back again.

  • Manipulative Send

    • Strike​

Long Cross and Drop

See how long players can successfully pass the bird close to the back of the court (ideally between the double’s back-court service line and the end line) and close to the front of the court (between the short service line and the net).

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

  • Manipulative Send

    • Strike​​

Questions ou commentaires?

Veuillez contacter le Dr John Byl au:

(905) 923-0938

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