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Grand livre
Title | Image | Objective | FMS |
You Fo World Cup | Video highlights of the 2023 You Fo World Cup | ||
You Fo Zone 2 Zone Passes | To successfully pass the You Fo ring to a partner who is moving down the field. |
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You Fo Forward Pass | To successfully pass the You Fo ring to a partner. |
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You Fo Basics | To score points by having a teammate catch the ring in the opposition's endzone. |
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Tag the Corner Ball | For a player to try and tag a corner ball while three defenders prevent the player from doing so. |
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Go Gliderz Dunk |
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You-Fo Without Sticks | To score points by a teammate catching the ring while standing inside the goal area. |
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Hit Ball of Pylon | For three players to hit the ball off the pylon |
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3-3-3 Into the Disc Golf Basket | For teams to successfully score a disc/ball into the disc golf basket. |
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8 On 2 Soccer Warmup | For 8 players to keep a ball away from the two defending players |
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Forest Soccer | To score more goals in a field of trees |
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Shoker |
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Futsal | To score more goals than your opponents |
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Ultimate Ring Toss | For each team to toss the ring over their pin more times than the other team. |
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Team Handball on Scooters | For each team to try and outscore the other. |
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Kick the Can | Offensive players attempt to kick a can without being tagged. |
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Kick Pylon | For three players to kick a soccer ball so that they knock down a pylon protected by one other player. |
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Hooped Together Soccer | To score more goals than the other team. |
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Hoop Toss from Scooters | For teams to score by tossing a ball through a hanging hoop |
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Pairs Sturtee Knock Off |
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Two-Team Sturtee Knock Off | For teams to score the most points by knocking off the Sturtee ball--one point each knock off. |
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Six-Team Sturtee Knock Off | For teams to score the most points by knocking off the Sturtee ball--one point each knock off. |
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Tri-Bound Five-Pass | After five passes, for a team to score a point by ultimately throwing a ball against the rebounder and having a teammate catch it. |
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Ultimate Basketball Hoops | For each team to score more baskets than their opposing team. |
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Flag Ball Frenzy | Be the first team to score 10 points or the team with the most points after the predetermined amount of time. |
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Tip N Flip | To get your team's 12 beanbags on your stand before the other team does. |
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Double-Ball Crosse | Score points by tossing a double-ball into a goal. |
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Super Shielders | To knock over all of the other team’s pins before your team’s pins are knocked down |
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GoGliderz | Score points by tossing a ball into the basket |
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Quadriball | Combining elements of football, soccer, volleyball, and basketball, teams try to get the ball through the goal in the center of the circular playing area. |
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Yuki Ball | For one team to steal the other team’s flag. |
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Scooter Basketball | For each team to try to outscore each other (each basket scored in regular play is worth 2 points). |
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Crabs Away |
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Monster Basketball | For each team to try to outscore each other (each basket scored in regular play is worth 2 points). |
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Inch Football | To score more touchdowns than the other team. All the players are on their knees all the time. |
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Ultimate Football | The objective is to outscore your opponents. Teams can score 6 points for a touchdown (running into or catching a ball in their opponent’s end zone), or 2 points for throwing or kicking a ball into their opponent’s end zone without the opponent catching it. |
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Scooter Noodle Hockey | To score more goals than your opponents |
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Indoor Broomball | To score more goals than your opponents |
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No-Goalie Indoor Soccer | For one team to knock over more pins than the other team. |
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One Pass and Out; Two Passes and In (Basketball...) | To score more points than your opponents |
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Four-Goal Soccer | To score more goals than the other teams |
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Scooter Soccer | To score more goals than the other team. |
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Squashed Soccer (or small room soccer) | To score more goals than the other team. |
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Pinned Down Team Handball | For one team to knock over more pins than the other team. |
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Inner Tube Basketball | for each team to try and score more baskets than the other team. |
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Pool Touch Football | To get the ball into their opponents end zone (worth 7 points) more often than their opponents. A touchdown occurs when a player touches the ball over the bouy line at the other team’s end. |
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Inner Tube Water Polo | To score more goals than the other team |
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Crab Soccer | To score more goals than the opponents |
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Ultimate Stability Ball | To touch a stability ball against the opponent’s wall |
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Keep Away in My House | To make as many consecutive passes as possible without having the ball stolen |
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Hoops | To score more hoops than the opponents |
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Giant Bouncing Bulldogs | To cross from one end of the court to the other without getting tagged by a bulldog |
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Rolling Bulldogs | To cross from one end of the court to the other without getting hit by a rolling stability ball |
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Invasion Goal Change | To score points with changing goals |
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Basketball Controlled Dribble | To not lose contact of your ball when dribbling |
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Basketball Robin's Nest | To be the first team of three players to get three basketballs in your hoop |
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Balanced Plates | In this invasion game, teams of 3-4 players, try to be the first to get a balanced (1 from each of the foods) plate (hula hoop) within the predetermined amount of time. |
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Food Chain Game | In this invasion game, be the first team to get their Fruit or Veggie balls from the opposite side of the playing area and safely make it back to their starting side. |
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Capture the Fruits and Veggies! | In this invasion game, teams try to be the first to capture all their fruit or veggie balls, or the most of their fruit or veggie balls in the predetermined amount of time, from the opposing team’s territory. |
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Nutrient Collect ‘N Keep | In this invasion game, players attempt to be the first to make it to each station and collect a flag from all 6 food group stations within the predetermined amount of time. |
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Food Run 4 Many Balanced Meals | In an assigned time period, be the team to get the most balanced meals—1 balanced meal = 1 HealthySpot from each food group. |
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Food Run | To be the first team to get 3 balanced meals—3 HealthSpots from each food group |
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Balanced Plates | In this invasion game, teams of 3-4 players, try to be the first to get a balanced (1 from each of the foods) plate (hula hoop) within the predetermined amount of time. |
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Dragon Tail Ultimate |
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Dragon Tail Dunk |
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Launch Baseball | Score as many runs as possible |
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Launch Ultimate | Score points by catching a ball in the end zone |
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Mobile Baseline | Teams try to be the first to fill their basket with all their balls |
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Mobile Fill Own |
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Ricochet Ball |
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Ricochet Tchoukball | Score more points than the opposing team by catching balls from their team's ricochet rally ball |
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Ricochet Triple Ball |
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Soccetball | For each team to score more points than the other team |
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Ultimate Pin Determines Points | Knock over pin and score the number of points facing up on the pin. |
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Ultimania Ball & Disc | Score points by tossing a ball or disc through the Ultimania target |
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Safe or Dare Thin Pin Guard | To knock over all of the other team’s pins before your team’s pins are knocked down |