Mobile Fill Own
Two mobile goals
Two sets (different colour) of 12 balls.

-Lien d'équipement:
Mobile Fill Own
Titre 1
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
-Liste d'équipement:
Teams try to be the first to fill their basket with all their balls.
Manipulative Send
Manipulative Receive
-Mise en place:
Use an open space.
Place a basket in the middle of the two zones—one goalie for each team is at their team’s basket.
Players are in scattered position in playing area.
Balls are scattered throughout the playing area.
On the signal to begin, players pick up balls and attempt to toss them into their team’s basket or pass it to players closer to their team’s basket.
Players with the ball can only pivot and cannot otherwise travel while holding the ball.
The goalie may move with the Mobile basket to get closer to their teammates with balls.
The opposite team can play defensively by knocking away the other team’s balls.
When all balls from one team are in their basket the round is stopped, the team that filled their basket first scores a point, disperse the balls, play again…
Any balls tossed into the opponent’s goal, score minus two when counting points when all balls from one team are in the baskets.
-Questions et notes:
Questions for Understanding:
What are some of the best strategies to fill your cart?
What are some of the best strategies to prevent the other team from filling their cart?