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Livre utile
Title | Image | Objective | fms |
Paddle Target | Score more points by hitting targets from further distances. |
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Target Rolling: Controlling the Risk | Successfully roll a ball into a hoop as far as possible. |
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Poly Spot Boccie | Toss your poly spot closest to the target spot than your opponent. |
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Gaga Ball With Net | Be the last person who was not hit by the ball |
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Hula Hoop Collection | Collect the most hula hoops by rolling balls into hoops. |
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Hula Hut Construction | Instructions to build a hula hut. | ||
Team Pin Knock Down | Three players attempt to knock a pin down that is guarded by three other players. |
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Roll Ball Into Hoop Cued |
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Moving Target on River | Try to hit a target floating along a river |
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Molkky | Be the first to score 50 points by knocking over pins. |
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DiscBonk | To score the most points by knocking a ball off your opponent's stand without it being caught by your opponent. |
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Cone Toss | Be the quickest to get two cones on top of one other |
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Tunnel Roll Relay | Be the first team to have each player roll the ball between the legs of the rest of their team a certain number of times. |
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Disc Golf with Mobile Goals | Get the lowest score when completing the course. |
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Disc Golf with Natural Goals | Get the lowest score when completing the course. |
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Fill the Box | To be the first team to fill a box(s) with all the team's tennis balls. |
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Hidden Treasurer | Gain the most beanbags |
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Backwards Partner Bowling | Two players try to move as far apart as possible by successfully rolling a ball between their partner's legs. |
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Pylon Corn Husk Toss | Be the first team to score 31 points. |
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Hula Hoop Horseshoes Race | Be the first player to score 21 points. |
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SynchroBall | Score more goals on opponent's net than are scored on your net. |
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Kickpar | Score the lowest number of kicks per round. |
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Bubblegum Bulldog Omnikin | For runners not to get hit by a kinball. |
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Boccia | To get as many balls as close to the target (Jack) ball as possible. |
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Seven Degree | To score a point for setting up the three pins |
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How Far Can we Roll | Successfully roll a ball into a hoop as far as possible. |
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Mission Target Under Net | Be the first team to knock down opponents pins. |
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Mission Target Over Net | Be the first team to knock down opponents pins. |
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Tank | Score points by crossing the tank trap safely. |
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Squared Out Toss Instructions | For each team to create the most squares of their colour |
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Hula Hoop Horseshoes | Be the first player to score 21 points. |
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Frog Fling into Big Top Bucketz | Score the most points by flipping frogs into the Big Bucketz |
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Ace Chase Two Square | Be the first team to score 11 points |
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JJ Bowling | To gain the highest bowling score |
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Chicken Toss | Have a pair of competitors flip a towel with a rubber chicken on it and see how far they can flip the chicken. |
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Crazy Fowl Shots | Have the contestant attempt to successful shoot as many fowl shots as she can out of 10 attempts. |
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Tape Roll Bowling | The object of this game is to see how many turns it takes to roll a roll of masking tape so that goes into the cardboard box. The competitor who does this in the fewest rolls is the winner. |
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Snow Bowl |
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StrykeN the Pins | For each team try to be the first to knock down the pins a certain number of times. |
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StrykeN the Pins to Over 50 | For each team try to be the first to knock down the pins for a total of over 50 points. |
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StrykeN the Pins to Exactly 40 | For each team try to be the first to knock down the pins for a total of exactly 40 points. |
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Balance Buster Quadrant | To be the first team to get all of their Buster balls onto their stand. |
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Balance Buster | To be the first team to get all of their Buster balls onto their stand. |
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Food Group Mania | In this target and invasion game teams of 4 players each, try to get the most balanced Healthy FoodGroup Flags on their Flag Belt Keeper within the predetermined amount of time. |
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Ace Chase | Be the first team to score 11 points |
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Ace Chase Four Square | Be the first team to score 11 points |
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Ace Chase Individual Pursuit | To get and stay in the number 1 spot. |
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Baggo Bean Toss | Be the first team to score 31 points. |
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Big Top Bucketz | Be the first team to toss a beanbag into all three bucketz |
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Big Top Bucketz21 | Be the first team to score 21 points. |
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Frog Fling | For a team to catch all their frogs more quickly than the other team |
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Horseshoes | To be the first team to win with 21 points or more and score more than two points beyond your opponent |
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Long Throw to Partner | To succeed at passing and catching an object with a partner the greatest number of times |
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Safe or Dare Team Pin Guard | To knock over all of the other team’s pins before your team’s pins are knocked down. |
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Squared Out | For each team to create the most squares of their colour |
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StickIt Off | To be on the team with the most balls on their back |
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StickIt On | To be on the team with the fewest balls on their back or in their hands |
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Team Thin Pin Guard | To knock over all of the other team’s pins before your team’s pins are knocked down |
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Triple Toss | Be the first team to score exactly 21 points |