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Balles de stabilité
Title | Image | Objective | FMS |
Four Players Juggle Five Balls | To have four players successfully juggle five balls. |
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Presure Tag Back to Back | To not be tagged by an It while keeping a ball between pairs of players |
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Jog Toss Second Person Behind | To run around the playing area and toss (to the second player behind) and catch a ball (from the player two players in front) without dropping it |
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Grid Stability Ball | A passing game in which the player opposite the ball must run to open corner. |
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Circus Catches | To try to catch the ball in as many different ways as possible |
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Round the One Minute Clock Standing | To try and get a ball to travel around two people as many times as possible in one minute. |
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Lapping the Ball | To run more laps than the other team |
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Cat and Mouse | For the cat ball to catch the mouse ball |
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Balls Away | To move the stability ball past the opponent’s scoring line by throwing foam balls at it |
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Eight-Beat Musical Routine | To develop an innovative dance routine using a stability ball |
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Pass the Egg | To move the stability ball around the circle as many times as possible in one minute. |
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Jog Toss | To run around the playing area and toss (to the player behind) and catch a ball (from the player in front) without dropping it |
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Circular Moving Sidewalk | To get the stability ball around the circle as many times as possible in one minute without the ball falling off the sidewalk |
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Watermelon Toss | To get the stability ball around the circle as many times as possible in one minute without the ball landing on the ground |
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Feet Pass | To use the feet to pass the stability ball around the circle as many times as possible in a set amount of time without the ball touching the ground |
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Over and Under | To pass a stability ball overhead and under the legs the most consecutive times in a set amount of time |
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Over the Top | To pass a stability ball overhead the most successive times in a set amount of time |
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Ball is in Your Court | For various people to lead the group in a variety of exercises on the stability ball |
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Ball Tag | For a pair of Its to tag another player with the ball. |
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All It | To tag others while not getting tagged |
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Pressure Tag | To not be tagged by an It |
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Dribble Tag | For the It to tag another player |
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Frozen Tag | To not get tagged by the It |
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Island Tag | To avoid getting tagged by a player’s partner |
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Ball Safe | To avoid being tagged by the It |
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Pursuit Tag | To try switch from the outer circle to inner circle to outer circle as few times as possible. |
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Last One It | To be the last player tagged |
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LeMans 24-Lap Relay | To be the quickest team to bounce/roll a ball around a square course |
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Wall Roll Relay | To pass a stability ball along a wall as quickly as possible |
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Sweeper Relay | To be the quickest team to complete the race |
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Pass Relay | For three players to count how many passing laps they can complete in a set amount of time |
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Dribble Relay | To be the quickest team to have each player dribble a ball around an obstacle course |
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Circle Relay | To be the first team to have everyone circle the team twice |
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Target Relay | To get the stability ball to rest on an inner tube or ball stand as many times as possible in a set amount of time |
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Over, Under, and Around Relay | To be the quickest team to move a stability ball over, under, and around the body of each team member twice |
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Crab Walk Relay | To be the quickest team to accomplish a crab walk with the stability ballTo be the quickest team to accomplish a crab walk with the stability ball |
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Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars |
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Pass, Floor, Pass | For two players to pass the ball and touch it to the ground as many consecutive times as possible in a set amount of time |
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Bounce and Follow | To make 15 passes as quickly as possible |
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Running Triangles | For each pair to pass and run around the triangle as quickly as possible |
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Football | To pass a stability ball, using feet only, around the team as many times as possible in one minute |
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Crazy-Eights Dribble | To complete five laps of the figure-eight course as quickly as possible |
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Carry the Crown | For pairs of players to carry a crown to safety as quickly as possible |
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Wall Bounce | For a team to count how many times it can bounce a ball against a wall in a specific amount of time |
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Twin Races | For a pair of runners to complete a race as quickly as possible |
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Balancing Act | For two players to see how many different ways they can balance themselves on two stability balls |
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Toss in the Towel | For two pairs of players to see how many consecutive passes they can make in a set amount of time |
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Seated Bounces | For two players to see how many consecutive bounce passes they can make in a set amount of time. Oe how far apart they can sit and complete one, two, three... bounces. |
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Wall Passes | For two players to see how many consecutive passes they can make in a set amount of time |
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Ha Ha Dribble | To have a partner do as much activity as possible |
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Consecutive One-Bounce Passes | For two players to make as many consecutive one-bounce passes to each other as they can in one minute |
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Look Mom | For a pair of players to carry a stability ball across a room without dropping it and without using their arms or hands |
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Two-Player Bowling | For each pair of bowlers to knock over or move five cones before any other pair does |
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Set | For two players to set a stability ball between them as many successive times as possible in one minute |
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Ball Hug | To take a ball away from an opponent or force an opponent to move his feet |
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Butt-Sit-Pass | For two players to count as many successive passes they can do in one minute |
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Two-Player Juggle | For two players to cooperatively juggle three balls together as long as possible |
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Round the One Minute Clock | To try and get a ball to travel around two people as many times as possible in one minute. |