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Grand livre
Title | Image | Objective | FMS |
Pickleball: Practice Top and Back Spin | Pairs of players practicing back and top spin. |
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Pickleball Hand Racquet Rally | Count how many consecutive hits can be made alternating forehand and backhand. |
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Pickleball Toss and Catch on Paddle | Toss ball in the air and catch with paddle |
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Pickleball Cross Court then Straight | For pairs of players to practice hitting cross court then straight then cross court... |
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Balloon Over and Under |
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Eclipse (or other paddle) Ball | To challenge another team's ability to return a ball. |
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Pickleball Royalty's Corner | Attempt to dethrone the King/Queen |
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Pickleball Narrow Court and Scoring | Playing Doubles Pickleball on a narrow court with scoring |
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Pickleball Two-Square | Score a point so that your opponent does not return a bounced ball into your court. |
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Syd the Spider | To successfully use teamwork to send Syd across the net. |
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Bounce off Floor and Catch with Paddle | Bounce ball off floor and catch with paddle |
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Padel | Players attempt to make their opponents not be able to return a ball without it bouncing on their side of the court two times. |
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Two Square From Plank Position | Score a point so that one player/team does not return a bounced ball into your court. |
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Pickleball Cooperatively Tap Over Net | For two players to become familiar with short shots over a pickleball net. |
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Pickleball Forehand and Backhand Rally to Self | Attempt to keep hitting the ball in the air and hit the ball with the racquet with forehand and backhand strokes. |
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Pickleball Crazy Eights | Attempt to keep hitting the ball in the air and hit the ball with the racquet with forehand and backhand strokes while wlaking through a figure eight maze of people. |
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Pickleball Juggle Ball By Oneself | Attempt to keep hitting the ball in the air and hit the ball with the racquet with forehand and backhand strokes. |
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Tower Ball | To successfully knock down the tower each time wiht a volleyball spike. |
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Table Ball | Score points by landing a ball on top of a table and bouncing to the floor without your opponent being able to hit it back on top of the table. |
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Through and Over--Net Introduction | For pairs of players to successfully alternate between passing a ball through a hoop and over a hoop. |
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Volleyball Obstacle Course | Teams try to be the first to complete this relay. |
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Hit the Chicken | Teams pass a volleyball to each other five times and then attempt to hit the chicken (or a poly spot) with the ball. |
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Bounce Ball in Hoops (Cooperative & Competitive) | Attempt to hit the ball into a hoop after each hit. |
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Pass to Setter | Players try to execute an excellent pass to the setter |
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Opposites Bump Set | Players attempt to do the opposite of what the leader asks. |
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Hoop Elimination | Teams try to be the first to eliminate all the hula hoops on the other side of the net. |
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Four Square Bump | Try to stay in the number 1 spot on the court by successfully bumping (forearm passing) a volleyball. |
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Don't Dodgeball | Do not let the ball land on the floor on your side. Team with the least floor touches in set time is the winner. |
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Bump Through Team Into Hoop | Be able to have each team member do a forearm pass and then finally landing the volleyball into a hula hoop. |
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Bounce Ball | Be the first team to score 25 points by playing regular volleyball but spiking under the net rather than over it. |
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Amoeba Serve | Be the first team to serve to targets and get all your team to the other side of the net. |
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Precise Serves | Be the first team to serve and knock down the opponent's targets |
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Serve N Sprint and Catch | Throw/serve ball to other side and have a player catch it, who throws/serves... In groups of 3-4. |
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Serve N Sprint and Pass to Self | Throw/serve ball to other side and have a player pass to self and then throws/serves... In groups of 3-4. |
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Quick Volleyball Forearm Pass | Count how many consecutive good forearm passes can be completed. |
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Pipeline Passing | Count how many consecutive overhead passes can be made with the passer touching opposite line of key or attack line-centre line after each pass. |
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Passembly Line | Be the first team to have each player pass the ball once (or more times) and switch sides. |
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Newcomb | To score a point by throwing a ball over the net and having it land on the opponent's court. |
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Racquet to Wall | To hit the ball against a wall with three challenges (off bounce, in air, with partner)--pickleball or tennis. |
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Forearm Relay Race | Teams of three attempt to race while completing forearm volleyball passes as set number of times. |
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Bounce Then Over Net | To score a point by bouncing ball on your side and landing on the floor on your opponent's side. |
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Backyard Trash | To be the team with the fewest balls on their side when time is called. |
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Big Ball Tennis | Be the first team to score 25 points |
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Blind Volleyball | Be the first team to score 25 points by hitting the ball into opponent's court. |
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Two Square Stability Ball | Score a point so that one team does not return a bounced ball into your court. |
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Volleyball Holding Foam Balls | Be the first team to score 25 points |
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D-Lite Volleyball While Holding Foam Balls | Be the first team to score 25 points |
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Team Launch Light | Be the first team to score 25 points |
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Team Launch Heavy | Be the first team to score 25 points |
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Volleyball Huge Ball | Be the first team to score 25 points |
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Team Two Square Cooperative Instructions | Score a point so that one team does not return a bounced ball. |
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Team Two Square Cooperative | Score a point so that one team does not return a bounced ball. |
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Team Two Square Competitive | Score a point so that one team does not return a bounced ball. |
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Smashing Volleyball Instructions | Score a point so that one team does not return a bounced ball. |
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Smashing Volleyball | Score a point so that one team does not return a bounced ball. |
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Follyball | To score points by making the ball land on the opponent’s court |
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Coed Volleyball | To score points by making the ball land on the opponent’s court |
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Noodle Volleyball | To get as many balloons as possible to land on the floor inside the opponent’s court within 2 minutes. |
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Four-Court Volleyball | To score 15 points before the other teams. |
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Giant Four Square | To stay in the king’s court |
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Width and Depth | Score points by landing your ball in opponent's space without them catching it |
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Floating Volleyball | Be the first team to score 25 points |
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Hidden Mission | Be the first team to knock down the opponent’s targets. |
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Team Launch Volleyball | To score points by having the ball hit the floor in the other team's court. |
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Fit Toss | To score points by having the ball hit the floor in the other team's court. |
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Nitro Ball | To score points by having the ball hit the floor in the other team's court |
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Eclipse Ball | To score points by having the ball hit the floor in the other team's court |
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Volley Bound | To score points by having the ball hit the floor in the other team's court. |
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Pickleball Around the World | To determine how long the rally can be maintained--or play it competitively and count points for winners or rallies |
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Upset | Each player tries to stay on the court as long as possible |
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Five-Player Continuous Rally | To determine how long the rally can be maintained. |
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Next in Line Badminton/Tennis | To score points by landing the bird/ball in the opponent’s court. |
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Clear, Drop | Determine how long (or how many hits) players can successfully pass the bird close to the back of the court (ideally between the double’s back-court service line and the end line) and close to the front of the court (between the short service line and the net). |
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Thread the Button | All players must make a successful pass to a different player |
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Bird/Ball Juggle | Count how long a player can continuously hit a bird/ball |
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Continuous Pass | To effectively pass the ball to the desired positions without letting the ball touch the floor. |
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Short Volleyball | To score points by making the ball land on the opponent’s court. |
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Five Pass Volleyball | To score points by making the ball land on the opponent’s court |
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Frozen Tag | For the IT to freeze all the participants. |
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Volleyball Relay | To count how many successful rotations a team can make. |
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Balloon Volley | To get as many balloons as possible to land on the floor inside the opponent’s court within 2 minutes. |
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Shower Volleyball | To score points by making the ball land on the opponent’s court. |
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Ace Chase Individual Pursuit | To get and stay in the number 1 spot |
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Ace Chase Four Square | Be the first team to score 11 points hitting ball with paddles |
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Ace Chase | Be the first team to score 11 points hitting ball with paddles |
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