Title | Image | Objective | FMS |
Flip Frenzy Boccie | Players attempt to toss their Flip Frenzy Puck as close to the target as possible. |
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Parachute Pass | For teams of players to pass a ball from one parachute to another as quickly as possible. |
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Rebound Dodgeball 2 | For players to throw other players out by rebounding a ball off a rebounder. |
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Three Player Passing Relay | For three players to pass several objects from one hoop to another as quickly as possible. |
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Rock Skipping | For players to throw a stone across the water and count how many times the stone skips across the water. |
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Tosses Through Rolling Hoop | For two players to toss and catch a ball through a rolling hoop as many times as possible. |
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Six Colours Tag Ball | To tag, by striking other players with a thrown ball, so that all players from a specific team are seated on the floor (or make it more active by have them do jumping jacks till the end of the game). |
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Catch Ball Tossed Through a Hoop | One player tosses a hula hoop to another while one other player tosses a ball through the tossed hoop to a partner. |
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Bucket Tag | ITs try to tag everyone before players free themselves by tossing a beanbag into a bucket. |
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Knock Large Ball Over a Line | For two teams to throw balls at a larger ball to move it over their opponent's endline. |
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Bounce Pass Race | For parters to make as many successful bounce passes to each other in a set time limit |
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Tribound Kicking Relay | Three or six teams of players attempt to kick their ball at the rebounder and a teammate attempts to catch it. Each team attempts to complete as many catches as possible in a set time limit. |
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Pairs Balls Toss Through Hoop | For pairs of players to toss a hoop to their counterparts who each toss a ball through the hoop to their counterpart. |
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Rebound Dodgeball | For players to throw other players out by rebounding a ball off a three-sided rebounder. |
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One-Foot Kick |
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Toss Ball and Pool Noddle Through Hula Hoop | For two players to work cooperatively and have one player toss a hoop and the other toss a ball/pool noodle through the hoop. |
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TriBound Relay |
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Six Square Bump | To get and retain the King spot through accurate volleyball passing. |
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Foam Throw Race | To complete a course as quickly as possible by throwing a piece of foam and doing an activity each time. |
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Dene Snake Slide | For a player to slide his |
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Balance Beam Ball Catch | For teams of players to get all of their players to stand on a low balance beam after successful throws and catches. |
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Toss and Catch to Wall | Players attempt to succeed at various challenges with a ball. |
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Scoop to Wall | Players attempt to succeed at various challenges with scoops (or lacrosse sticks) |
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Bump | To score a basket before the player behind you does. If he does you are 'bumped" you then move to the next basket to join that group of players. |
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Balloon Dribble with Feet | Be the quickest to hit a balloon a specified distance. |
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Roll Against the Wall | To determine how quickly (or compete against another team at the other end of room) a team can move a ball around a room using only their feet and the wall--if ball touches ground the team must begin anew. |
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All Around the Course | To determine how quickly a team can move their giant ball around a course. |
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Olympic Torch | For two players to carry a giant ball as far as possible. |
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Noodle Toss Pairs | For each pair of players to get as far as possible from each other as possible. |
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Long Throw to Partner | To succeed at passing and catching an object with a partner the greatest number of times |
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Balloon Dribble With Hands | Be the quickest to hit a balloon a specified distance. |
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Not in My House | To have the fewest balls in one’s “house” at the end of the game |
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Balls Away | To move the stability ball past the opponent’s scoring line by throwing foam balls at it |
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Watermelon Toss | To get the stability ball around the circle as many times as possible in one minute without the ball landing on the ground |
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Stability Ball Field Meet | To complete a field course with the best possible score |
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Knockout | To have the highest score, based on the most balls in the net pockets |
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Throw to a Wall Relay | See how many times the 3 players can each throw the ball against the wall in 2 minutes. |
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Short Relay | To count how many passes can be made in 1 minute |
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Pop-up One Bounce | See how many consecutive catches a pair of players can make. |
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Pickleball Around the World | To determine how long the rally can be maintained--or play it competitively and count points for winners or rallies |
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Bird/Ball Juggle | Count how long a player can continuously hit a bird/ball |
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Thread the Button | All players must make a successful pass to a different player |
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Clear, Drop | Determine how long (or how many hits) players can successfully pass the bird close to the back of the court (ideally between the double’s back-court service line and the end line) and close to the front of the court (between the short service line and the net). |
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Next in Line Badminton/Tennis | To score points by landing the bird/ball in the opponent’s court. |
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Upset | Each player tries to stay on the court as long as possible |
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Balloon Volley | To get as many balloons as possible to land on the floor inside the opponent’s court within 2 minutes. |
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Volleyball Relay | To count how many successful rotations a team can make. |
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Five Pass Volleyball | To score points by making the ball land on the opponent’s court |
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Ball Tag | For a pair of Its to tag another player with the ball. |
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Pass, Floor, Pass | For two players to pass the ball and touch it to the ground as many consecutive times as possible in a set amount of time |
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Wall Bounce | For a team to count how many times it can bounce a ball against a wall in a specific amount of time |
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Set | For two players to set a stability ball between them as many successive times as possible in one minute |
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Two-Player Bowling | For each pair of bowlers to knock over or move five cones before any other pair does |
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Consecutive One-Bounce Passes | For two players to make as many consecutive one-bounce passes to each other as they can in one minute |
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Seated Bounces | For two players to see how many consecutive bounce passes they can make in a set amount of time |
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Toss in the Towel | For two pairs of players to see how many consecutive passes they can make in a set amount of time |
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Butt-Sit-Pass | For two players to count as many successive passes they can do in one minute |
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Two-Player Juggle | For two players to cooperatively juggle three balls together as long as possible |