Balloon Dribble With Hands
Titre 1
Titre 1
Be the quickest to hit a balloon a specified distance.
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
Manipulative Send
-Liste d'équipement:
One balloon per player

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Choose two parallel lines approximately 10 yards (meters) apart.
One is the start line and the other is the turn around line.
The players line up behind the start line.
Each player receives one balloon.
Have the players dribble a balloon with her hands to a pre-determined line and back.
If the balloon breaks she must start again at the start line by blowing up a new balloon.
When she crosses the finish line first she is the winner.
-Questions et notes:
Safety Considerations
Be sure broken balloon parts are cleaned up and use non-allergenic balloons (blowing up surgical gloves will also work).
Teaching Tips
Double Balloon Dribble.
For extra challenge have the players dribble 2 balloons at the same time.
Another variation is to have students dribble with a paddle.
Be sure to use both hands.
Questions for Understanding:
What is the best tactic in terms of hitting the ball to achieve most success?