Title | Image | Objective | FMS |
123 Woo | Two players try and master the numbers and movements in sequence. |
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Mathematics Baseball | Teams attempt to score more runs by answering more math problems. |
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Flip Frenzy to 20 | Be the first team to count up your scores to add up to a specific number. Twenty works well |
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Flip Frenzy No Grid Tic Tac Toe | To get three markers in a row |
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Flip Frenzy | For teams to collect as many of their coloured spots as possible |
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Three-Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe | To get three of your colour blocks in a row (diagonal, straight line, or at a 3-2-1 angle. Cannot do three on top of each other to count. | ||
Three-Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe Without a Grid | To get three of your colour blocks in a row (diagonal, straight line, or at a 3-2-1 angle. Cannot do three on top of each other to count. | ||
Tic Tac Toe Rolling Three In a Row with Elimination | For each team to get three in a row before the other team does. |
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Break the Code | To flip the cards over in the correct order. |
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Tic Tac Toe Rolling Three In a Row | For each team to get three in a row before the other team does. |
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Squared Off | For each team to create the most squares of their colour. |
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Human Tic Tac Toe Players Choose Order | For each team to try to be the first to get three of their players in a row. |
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Human Tic Tac Toe in Order | For each team to try to be the first to get three of their players in a row. |
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Tumblex | To move a block to the top of the tower without having the tower tumble. | ||
Tic Tac Four in a Row | To get four in a row of your colour |
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Tic Tac Double Four in a Row | To get two rows of four in your colour |
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Four Players/Teams try Five in a Row on Checker Board or Tarp | To place five spots/pieces in a row before another team does. |
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Active Checkers | To eliminate all of your opponent's spots by jump[ing over them. |
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Connect Four Up | To connect four of your spots in any row or column or diagonal. |
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Number Sequence Relay | To be the first team to get numbers in correct order. |
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Topple Specific Number | Be the first team to count up your scores to add up to a specific number. |
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Topple Four Up | Each player attempts to stand up four Toppletubes with their colour up. |
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Topple Double Tic Tac | Be the first team to get two sets of three of your colours in a row |
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Topple Tube Number Sequence | Teams of three players try to find a set of numbers in order of lowest to highest. |
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Ten Finger Fling | For groups to throw a number that is the same as a playing card. |
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Find Your Number Relay | To answer a math question quickly and find the correct cone with that ending number 17 = a 7 |
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Odd Even Tag | To answer a math problem quickly and not get tagged if it is your number, and do tag if it is your opponent's number. | ||
Topple Tic Tac | Be the first team to get three of your colours in a row |
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Even and Odd With Wall Sit and Run | To wall sit or run depending on sum |
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Quick Count Relay | To answer a math problem quicker than your opponents and have your team spell a word. |
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Paint Pallette Relay | To figure out the paint order for your palette the quickest. |
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Squared Off Instructions | For each team to create the most squares of their colour. |
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Tic Tac Toe--No Grid Instructions | To get three markers in a row | ||
Tic Tac Toe—No Grid | To get three markers in a row | | |
Ding Dong 7 | To not make an error counting and for the group to count as far as possible. | ||
Connect Four--With Exercise | To connect four of your discs in any row. |
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Five on the Floor Dribbling | To place five cones in a row before another team does. |
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Tic Tac Toe Shuffle | To place the numbers in their correct order as quickly as possible |
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Tic Tac Toe—No Grid With Push Up | To get three markers in a row |
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True and False | To get the answer right and tag or not be tagged. |
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StrykeN the Pins to Exactly 40 | For each team try to be the first to knock down the pins for a total of exactly 40 points. |
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StrykeN the Pins to Over 50 | For each team try to be the first to knock down the pins for a total of over 50 points. |
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StrykeN the Pins | For each team try to be the first to knock down the pins a certain number of times. |
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Tag and Divide | To not be an It. |
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Tag and Multiply | To not be an It. |
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Tag and Add | To not be an It. |
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21 Pilots | For the group to successfully count to 21 |
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Geometric Shapes Gathered from a Square | Be the first team to complete a geometric puzzle with 8 geometric pieces. |
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Squared Out | For each team to create the most squares of their colour. |
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Tic Tac Toe—No Grid Relay | To get three markers in a row |
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Twin Ball Stryke’N | Score an exact number of points or go over a certain number of points by knocking over numbered Stryke’N pins. |
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Heel-Toe Tag | To not become a tagger. |
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Card Top | For players to get the most cards in a specified time limit. |
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Planks till odd | Score points by being the first to grab a shared bean bag |
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Dice Tag—Odd or Even | Be the first to answer the question correctly and tag your partner. |
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Ready Set Select | To answer a math problem quicker than your opponent and have your opponent go for a run. |