21 Pilots
Titre 1
Titre 1
For the group to successfully count to 21
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
-Liste d'équipement:

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Players stand in a circle facing in.
All players walk on the spot
The first player starts with number one.
The player beside that person (counter-clockwise) counts to two....
When players make a mistake, they do one lap of the circle and the next player in the circle begins anew with number 1.
When the group reaches 21 they all shout 21 PILOTS!
-Questions et notes:
Player's wait their turn to simply say the correct number when it is their turn.
One player selects a number (from 0 to 9 but not including 1) and an activity--for example a player may select 5 and jumping jacks, which means when the player who is to say 5 or 15 they do not say that number but instead begin doing jumping jacks till the group reaches 21 or someone makes a mistake. Everytime a player does the action for the number the other players switch from walking to jogging to walking to jogging...
Play as in the memory version but when the group successfully makes it to 21 another number is added till all 9 numbers are completed and the whole group is exercising to 21.
For the number 20, which has a 2 and a 0, act out the number that was called first.