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Squared Out

Titre 1


Titre 1

For each team to create the most squares of their colour.

-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

-Liste d'équipement:

  • SquaredOff Set


-Lien d'équipement:

-Mise en place:

  • The leader places four bars in a square in the middle of the player area.

    • Two bars are red

    • Two bars are blue

  • The leader places four poly spots approximately four paces from the centre square

    • Red team stands opposite each other behind their poly spots

    • Blue team stands opposite each other behind their poly spots

    • Each player holds a coloured bar—extra bars are located at the poly spot.


  • The leader points to one of the red teams and the front player moves to the square and adds on of their coloured bars (with their colour facing up) so that is in someway connected to the centre square. Once the bar is placed that player runs to the back of their line.

  • The leader then points to one of the blue teams (go clockwise around the teams) and that player moves to the square and adds on of their coloured bars so that is in someway connected to one of the other bars.

  • Players continue adding their bars in efforts to create squares of their colour.

  • When a piece is not added properly, the leader stops the activity, makes sure it is properly placed and continues.

  • When all the bars have been added, count up which team has the most squares of their colour.

  • Then give each team-line of teams six bean bags.

    • In the same order as with laying down the rubber bars, the leader assigns teams a turn to toss their bean bags (they have five-seconds to do so).

    • To count, the bean bag must (or else it is picked up and taken back):

      • Land with the team’s colour up.

      • Land mostly in a square.

      • Lands in a square not occupied by another bean bag.

    • For a bean bag that lands correctly in an unoccupied square, that team can flip one of the rubber bars over. All four bars from an occupied square cannot be flipped.

    • Teams can play offensively by trying to gain a square by flipping bars over to form a square of their colour.

    • Teams can play defensively by trying to lock down a square which has four bars of their colour.

    • When all squares have been locked down, count to see which colour now has the most squares.

-Questions et notes:

  • Memory:

    • Played the same as Self-regulation except that instead of beginning with a square in the middle begin with four random pieces (that could eventually fit together (but do not need to)

  • Flexibility:

    • Then give each team-line of teams six bean bags.

      • In the same order as with laying down the rubber bars, the leader assigns teams a turn to toss their bean bags (they have five-seconds to do so).

      • To count, the bean bag must (or else it is picked up and taken back):

        • Land with the team’s colour up.

        • Land mostly in a square.

        • Lands in a square not occupied by another bean bag.

      • For a bean bag that lands correctly in an unoccupied square, that team can flip one of the rubber bars over. All four bars from an occupied square cannot be flipped.

      • Teams can play offensively by trying to gain a square by flipping bars over to form a square of their colour.

      • Teams can play defensively by trying to lock down a square which has four bars of their colour.

      • When all squares have been locked down, count to see which colour now has the most squares.


  • Questions for Understanding:

    • What can teams do to best succeed at this game?

Questions ou commentaires?

Veuillez contacter le Dr John Byl au:

(905) 923-0938

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