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Round the One Minute Clock

Titre 1


Titre 1

To try and get a ball to travel around two people as many times as possible in one minute.

-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:

  • Manipulative Send

  • Give

-Liste d'équipement:

  • One stability ball per pair of players


-Lien d'équipement:

-Mise en place:

  • Two players sit back to back with their legs straight in front of them.

  • One player is given a stability ball.


  • When the leader signals to begin the player with the ball passes the ball to her side in a clockwise rotation to her partner. Her partner takes the ball and passes the ball to her side in a clockwise rotation back to her partner.

  • Each time the first player gets the ball counts for one rotation.

  • The winning pair is the ones that get the ball to rotate around the two players the most times.

-Questions et notes:

  • Questions for Understanding:

  • What can be done to increase the number or rotations?

  • How does it feel to beat a previous score? Why?

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