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Big Top Bucketz

Titre 1


Titre 1

Be the first team to toss a beanbag into all three bucketz

-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:

  • Manipulative Send

    • Throw

-Liste d'équipement:

  • 2 Bucketz bases

  • 6 beanballs


-Lien d'équipement:

-Mise en place:

  • Two teams of three stand behind a tossing line.

  • Each team has three Big Top Bucketz about 3-5 paces away (closer is easier; further is more difficult)


  • On the signal to begin the first player attempts to throw a bean bag into one of their bucketz.

    • If successful this player goes to the back of their line and the next player attempts to throw a bean bag into one of the bucketz.

    • If unsuccessful (either by missing a bucketz or tossing it in a bucketz with an existing bean bag) that player retrieves their bean bag and either runs back with it to the end of the line, or if there are one or more bean bags already in the bucketz, tosses the beanbag to the next person that is need of a bean bag.

  • First team to get all three beanbags into each of the bucketz is the winner.

  • Play again.

-Questions et notes:

  • What are tips for tossing accurately?

Questions ou commentaires?

Veuillez contacter le Dr John Byl au:

(905) 923-0938

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