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Gaga Ball With Net

Titre 1


Titre 1

Be the last person who was not hit by the ball

-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:

  • Locomotor

  • Dodge

  • Manipulative Send

  • Strike

-Liste d'équipement:

  • A net to create an Gaga Ball court.

  • A ball.


-Lien d'équipement:

-Mise en place:

  • Players stand in a scattered position inside the gaga ball court.

  • A player tosses the ball in the middle of the court and all players say "Ga, Ga, Go," on each successive bounce and begin play following the "Go."


  • Players attempt to hit other players with a ball. The basic rules are:

    • If a player carries the ball or touches it twice in a row, they’re eliminated and must leave the pit until the end of the game.

  • If a player accidentally hits the ball so it bounces outside of the pit, then they’re eliminated from the game.

  • Players cannot kick the ball with their feet, or else they’ll get eliminated.

-Questions et notes:

  • Variation:

  • Instead of players being eliminated they exchange places with a player holding up the net.

  • What strategies work best to stay in the game as long as possible?

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