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Frog Fling into Big Top Bucketz
Titre 1
Titre 1
Score the most points by flipping frogs into the Big Bucketz
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
Manipulative Send
-Liste d'équipement:
2 Bucketz bases
6 beanballs
2 Frog Fling Launchers
2 sets of 12 frogs

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Two teams of three stand behind their Frog Fling Launcher (about 5-10 paces from the Big Bucketz).
Each team has three Big Top Bucketz about 3-5 paces away (closer is easier; further is more difficult)
On the signal to begin the Frog Flings the frogs one at a time attempts to score the most points after flinging all 12 frogs.
Play again.
-Questions et notes:
What are tips for tossing accurately?
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