Kick the Can
One pinnie per IT
One half-length pool noodle per IT
One can (or half cone)

-Lien d'équipement:
Kick the Can
Titre 1
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
-Liste d'équipement:
Offensive players attempt to kick a can without being tagged.
-Mise en place:
Offensive players stand along one wall
Three defensive players stand outside the middle basketball circle, each holding a pool noodle
The can or pylon is placed in the middle of the circle
On the leader's signal to begin, the offensive players attempt to kick the can or pylon without getting tagged by an offensive player
If an offensive player gets tagged they return to the beginning line and perform an activity before resuming play again.
The defensive players attempt to tag the offensive players to temporaily remove them as a challenge to kick the can.
-Questions et notes:
Have two teams compete on different courts and determine which team kicks the can the earliest.
Questions for Understanding:
Offensively what are some effective strategies to get to the can?
Defensively what are some effective strategies to prevent players from kicking the can?