Crab Soccer

Crab Soccer
Titre 1
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
To score more goals than the opponents
Manipulative Send
Manipulative Receive
Manipulative Retain
-Liste d'équipement:
One stability ball per game of two teams of 3-5 players each
Four cones to identify two goals
-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Set up a playing area with goals five paces wide at either end.
Each team is in a scattered position in its half of the playing area. Each team has one goalie in the goal area. All players are in a crab position on the floor (backs toward the floor and walking on hands and feet).
Throw the ball down the middle of the playing area to begin play.
Players may kick the ball, but may not advance the ball with their hands. If a player advances the ball with his hands, the other team gets the ball at that location and has a free kick—which means the kicker can kick the ball uncontested. Once the ball is kicked, play resumes as normal.
A goal is scored when the ball goes between the two cones and the bottom of the ball can be no higher than the height of the ball above the floor
When a team scores, have the teams return to their respective halves and throw the ball down the middle again.
-Questions et notes:
Tips and Variations
Two-Ball Crab Soccer:
Played the same as Crab Soccer except that the teams use two balls (this is a good alternative if you have many players).
Regular Indoor Soccer:
Could also play regular indoor soccer but us a stability ball instead of a soccer ball.
Snow Soccer:
If you have a soccer field nearby and lots of snow, players come dressed for the outdoors and play a regular game of soccer except that they use one or more stability balls instead of a soccer ball.