Rolling Bulldogs
One stability ball for every 10 players
-Lien d'équipement:
Rolling Bulldogs
Titre 1
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
-Liste d'équipement:
To cross from one end of the court to the other without getting hit by a rolling stability ball
Manipulative Send
-Mise en place:
Define two lines that are at least four paces from the walls (to prevent players from falling into the wall if they trip after they cross the line ).
Choose one to four players to line up between the lines with stability balls in front of them.
All the other players line up behind one of the lines.
One of the players in the middle calls out, “Bulldog,” at which point the other players try to run from one side of the court to the other.
The players in the middle try to roll the stability balls against the players crossing the court.
If a crossing player is touched by a ball, that player and the player who rolled the ball switch places.
-Questions et notes:
Tips and Variations
Survivor Rolling Bulldogs: Played the same as Rolling Bulldogs except that players touched by balls join the rollers in the middle and help them until there is only one player left; that player is the survivor, the winner.
It is helpful to add an additional ball for every two players who go in the middle.