Pinned Down Team Handball

Pinned Down Team Handball
Titre 1
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
For one team to knock over more pins than the other team.
Manipulative Send
Manipulative Receive
Manipulative Retain
-Liste d'équipement:
For games of 8-10 people (4-5 per side):
One foam ball
2-6 pins
-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Divide players into two teams and give each team a side of the court.
Use the basketball three point line as a crease in which no one may enter (except for the team whose side it is on to retrieve a ball)--or make a smaller one with the use of poly spots.
Have each team place a pin on the end line within the crease (placing it in the middle is the most desirable spot as it is the furthest from any point; but teams could also place it to one side and guard that side more heavily).
Give one team the ball.
At the leader's signal to begin play the player with the ball must pass or shot the ball, and players with the ball:
Can pivot with the ball
Can take three steps
Must release the ball within five seconds.
Any ball that lands on the floor on account of an incomplete pass or shot on the pins automatically goes to a player from the opposite team.
-Questions et notes:
Score by counting the points that are showing face-up on the Stryke'N pins
Add more pins
Add a goalie to protect the pins
Questions for Understanding:
What are some of the best strategies to score points?
What are some of the best strategies to prevent the other team from scoring points?