Star Race
Titre 1
Titre 1
Be the quickest player to run around the star, leap frog over your team, and grab the bean bag in the middle.
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
-Liste d'équipement:
One bean bag per game.

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Teams of three-to-four players squat one behind the other in a line. All teams make the shape of a star.
Place a beanbag in the middle of the star.
Number the players 1, 2, 3... from the centre out.
Instruct players that when they run they all run the same direction (clockwise, or anticlockwise).
The leader calls out a number. All players with that number run in the same direction around the star.
When players return to their team, they hop-scotch over the other players, and attempt to be the first player to grab the beanbag and score a point for their team.
Immediately call out another number...
-Questions et notes:
Players run around dribbling a ball.
Assign different locomotor types (gallop, skip, hop...)