Titre 1
Titre 1
For each team to have at least one player left at the end of a game.
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
-Liste d'équipement:
One thinpin

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Establish a start line where offensive team lines up behind--for safety sake make sure this line is far away from walls so players can safely run past this line.
Establish an end line (about 10-15 paces away) where the defensive team lines up behind.
Place a thinpin in the centre of the court one pace away from the end line.
Offensive players move forward when they are ready and move forward to try and grab the thinpin and return it past their start line.
If they are successful they win the game for their team.
If they are tagged by a defensive player on the way back they are out and thinpin is returned to its spot.
If they are tagged by a defensive player and they did not take the thinpin they are also out.
If a defensive player crosses the end line and tags a player(s) before they cross behind the start line, then the tagged player(s) is out.
If a defensive player crosses the end line and does not tag a player then the defensive player is out.
Once defensive players cross the end line they must tag a player or they are out--no coming back over the end line unless they tag an offensive player.
If either team has no players left they lose the game.
Switch roles.
-Questions et notes:
Players carry a basketball with them and must dribble a ball when running to the start line.
Questions for understanding:
What is key to success for offensive players?
What is key to success for defensive players?
Thanks Chris Wilson, from CIRA Ontario, for demonstrating this game.