Scooter Inchworm Race
Titre 1
Titre 1
This is a race to determine which team can complete the race the quickest.
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
-Liste d'équipement:
One scooter per player

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Establish a start line at least 3-4 body lengths from a wall.
Establish an end line about 10-15 paces ahead.
The first person, in a team of 3-4 players, lies on her tummy onto the scooter.
The others line up single file behind the front player, each player holding the ankle of the player in front of them, forming a long inchworm.
At the signal, the “caterpillar” moves forward and around a pylon.
The player at the front of the “caterpillar” can use his hands.
The player at the end of the “caterpillar” can use her feet.
The players in the middle advance by pulling themselves forward by holding onto the ankles of the player in front of them.
The first “caterpillar” to reach the finish line wins.