Frozen Tag
Titre 1
Titre 1
For the IT to freeze all the participants.
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
-Liste d'équipement:

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Place participants on the court in a scattered formation and identify one player as being the “IT.”
At the signal to begin the IT tries to tag the other players.
When a player is tagged she stands with his feet spread at least shoulder width apart.
If another player can slide between the legs the frozen player is free again.
When a player steps outside the boundary he is frozen until the end of the game since no other player can go outside the boundaries to thaw the player out.
If the IT freezes everyone then the first player that was frozen becomes the new IT.
-Questions et notes:
Safety considerations:
It is helpful for players to have been taught how to dive in volleyball. If a net is up be sure posts are properly padded.
You may want to give the ITs a pool noodle or foam tube to tag people with so that no-one is inadvertently pushed over while being tagged.
Instructional tips:
If the IT is finding it too difficult to freeze everyone, appoint a second IT.
Frozen Ball Tag: Same as Frozen Tag except that the IT gently throws a ball against a player to freeze the player. If you suspect the throws are too hard then have the IT throw with their non-dominant hand.
Soccer Frozen Tag: Played the same way as Frozen Tag but frozen players are freed by another player dribbling a ball between their legs.
As a cool-down:
Without an IT have players dive through the legs of 3 different players. When all players have completed their dives, the team is dismissed.