Wall Passes
For two players to see how many consecutive passes they can make in a set amount of time
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
Manipulative Send
Manipulative Receive

-Equipment List:
One stability ball per pair of players
-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Two players lie on their backs beside each other, separated by a chair (or two cones).
The players’ legs are pointing up and leaning against the wall.
One of the players has a stability ball resting on the soles of her feet and the wall.
The person with the ball passes it up against the wall to her partner, who catches the ball between the bottoms of her feet and the wall.
Players continue passing the ball back and forth to each other and try to get as many successful consecutive passes as they can within a set amount of time, such as two minutes.
When the consecutive passes are broken, the players begin counting again from zero.
-Questions & Notes:
Wall Pass for Distance: Players see how far apart they can position themselves and still complete successful consecutive passes.