Ultimate Basketball Hoops
For each team to score more baskets than their opposing team.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
Manipulative Send
Manipulative Receive

-Equipment List:
Eight cones to define two creases.
One hoop per team.
One Omnikin ball per game.
-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Place a square crease (two to three paces across) on either end of the playing area.
One player from each team stands in their crease holding a hula hoop--must always be held horizontally.
Other players are in a scattered position in the playing area.
One player is given the ball.
Players with the ball can take three dribbles with the ball and, when stopped, can only pivot, and have three seconds to pass the ball.
Players attempt to pass the ball to teammates and toss the ball into the hoop held horizontally by their goal-keeper.
When a goal is scored another player switch roles with the goal-keeper.
Defense cannot attempt to knock the ball away from the player holding the ball.
Any ball that hits the ground or is intercepted goes to the other team.
-Questions & Notes:
Questions for Understanding:
Variation: Four Team:
Have four teams play at the same time with one or two balls.
Thanks to Omnikin and Scott Williams at NYShape 2019.