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ITs are not Dribblers -- Pairs


To dribble away from taggers.

-Fundamental Movement Skills:

  • Manipulative Retain

  • Dribble


-Equipment List:

  • One ball per pair of players

-Equipment Link:

-Setting Up:

  • All pairs of players but one (the IT) hold onto a ball.

  • Players postion themselves in a scattered position.


  • On the leader's signal to begin the IT attempts to tag other pairs of players who are dribbling a ball.

  • If players are tagged by an ITS those pairs of players place their ball into a bin and attempt to tag other pairs of players till all players have been tagged.

-Questions & Notes:

What are the best tactics for ITs to tag players and non-ITs to stay save?

Questions ou commentaires?

Veuillez contacter le Dr John Byl au:

(905) 923-0938

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