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Eight-Beat Musical Routine


To develop an innovative dance routine using a stability ball

-Fundamental Movement Skills:

  • Manipulative Send

    • Throw

  • Manipulative Receive​

    • Catch​

  • Manipulative Retain​

    • Dribble​


-Equipment List:

  • One stability ball per player

  • CD (Choose music with a strong beat and clear eight count; marching tunes are great. For a kid-friendly CD with a good, strong beat, contact CIRA Ontario at, and order their Everybody Move CD. Or call 905-575-2083.

  • CD player

-Equipment Link:

-Setting Up:

  • Dancers are in a scattered position, each with a stability ball.


  • Dancers listen to the music and develop an innovative routine for eight beats. All movements should coincide with the rhythm and beat of the music (players could skip a beat and go slower or go double-time).

  • Once dancers have perfected their routines, have them pair up and teach each other their routines and combine them for 16 beats of music. JOHN They should repeat their dances for every new 16 beats of music. 

  • Once pairs of dancers have perfected their routines, have them join another dancing pair and teach each other their routines. They should repeat their dances for every new 32 beats of music for an entire song.

  • If you have time, have half the dancing groups watch the other half do their dances and then switch roles.

-Questions & Notes:

  • Tips and Variations

    • Dance moves can involve regular exercises (push-ups or sit-ups with a stability ball), dance moves (grapevine or V steps while holding or bouncing the ball), sport moves (a shot in basketball or bowling or bouncing the ball around the body), or regular daily events (a morning stretch to the sky with hands up and holding the ball overhead or sitting on a bus seat [the ball] and bouncing up and down).

    • Encourage the dancers to be creative with movements they are familiar with.

    • Musical Groups:

      • In groups of four, each dancer with a ball, dancers develop movements with the ball for 32 beats of music.

      • The group then repeats these movements for 32 beats for the rest of the song. Dance moves can be as simple as bouncing the ball with one or two hands, or can involve more complex actions such as bounce passing the ball to a neighbor on the left or passing the ball across a circle.

Questions ou commentaires?

Veuillez contacter le Dr John Byl au:

(905) 923-0938

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