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Titre 1
Titre 1
Have the most coins closest to the larger coin.
-Liste d'équipement:
¢ Six coins for two players (could also play teams)
-Mise en place:

¢ One person slides a larger coin down the table.
¢ A players slides a coin face up trying to get as close to the larger coin as possible.
¢ Their opponent then slides a coin face down in effort to get as close to the larger coin as possible.
¢ Each player takes their turn until each side has slid four coins.
¢ If one player hits the larger coin and it moves, play continues with the new location.
¢ Whoever has the closest coins(ies) counts each one.
¢ Play to ten.
-Questions et notes:
¢ What ways seem to work best?
¢ How does it feel when it works? Does not work?
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