Tag and Divide
Titre 1
Titre 1
To not be an It.
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
-Liste d'équipement:
Three playing cards per player
1 Tag-It Mitt for 2/5th of the players (or pool noodles).

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Each player is given three playing cards (A =1, J =11, Q=12, K=13)
Two-fifth of the players are given a Mitt
Players stand in a scattered formation around the playing area
On the leader’s signal to begin, taggers attempt to tag players without Mitts.
When a player is tagged,
Both players face each other with their cards in front of them face-down.
Each player picks a card from the other player and players simultaneously flip the cards.
The first player to say the correct answer (dividing the two cards--no decimal place, or one decimal place, or three decimal places...) is free to go, the other player holds the Mitt and attempts to tag another player (no tag backs).
-Questions et notes:
In a classroom have players place a scrap piece of paper under both feet and then they skate around the room—this slows the speed down so players do not bump hard into a desk…