Pass Around
Titre 1
Titre 1
To most quickly pass the ball 30 times in both directions.
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
Manipulative Send
-Liste d'équipement:
One basketball per two players

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Two players sit tall on the floor back-to-back, legs flat on the floor, one player holding a basketball
At the signal to start the player with the ball passes the ball to the right to her partner.
He then passes the ball to the right back to her completing 1 pass each.
The ball continues to be passed in a circle 25 times (both players audibly count their passes).
When both players have completed their 25th pass they change direction and pass the ball to the left 25 times.
The group who completes the 50 passes the quickest is the winner.
-Questions et notes:
Safety considerations:
Players should turn from the waist. If this game hurts players should stop doing it.
Standing Pass Around: Same as Pass Around except players stand back-to-back.
Up-and-down Pass Around: Same as Pass Around except players alternate 5 passes standing up and then 5 passes sitting down, then 5 passes standing up....