Pursuit Tag
Titre 1
Titre 1
To not get tagged from behind.
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
-Liste d'équipement:
Twelve pylons
One pool noodle per player

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Set up pylons to form 3 rectangles (a large one, a medium sized one inside the large one, and a smaller one inside the medium one).
Players spread out, equal distance from each other, around the large rectangle
Everyone runs outside the outside pylons.
When players are tagged from behind, they run inside the lane inside the outside pylon.
When players are tagged in the middle lane they move to the inside lane.
When players are tagged in the inside lane they move to the outside lane.
After a set time limit (2-3 minutes) the player that was tagged the fewest times is the winner.
-Questions et notes:
Walking Pursuit: Each player must have 1 foot on the ground at all times.
Slippery Pursuit: Instead of running and walking, players have to stand on two small pieces of carpet (towels) and shuffle as quickly as possible.
Scooter Pursuit: Done in pairs with one partner pushing the other partner who is seated on 2 scooters. The player on the scooters holds a pool-noodle as the object to touch the player in front.