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Titre 1


Titre 1

To score 25 points on the other team.

-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:

  • Manipulative Send

    • Kick​

    • Head

-Liste d'équipement:

  • One Soccer Ball and one Volleyball Net per game of two teams of six players each


Soccer Volleyball

-Lien d'équipement:

-Mise en place:

  • Each team distributes their players around the court as in volleyball


  • Player #1 from one of the teams serves the ball by kicking it over the net (punt or drop-kick) and into her opponent’s court–failure to so results in a side out (the other team rotates all their players 1 position clockwise, gets a point, and serves the ball).

  • The returning team can play the ball as many times as they wish but must get the ball over the net and into their opponents court–failure to do so results in a point and service for the other team.

  • Players may contact the ball several times in a row.

  • The ball may bounce once between players but not between consecutive hits by one player.

  • Players may contact the ball and advance with any part of their body excepting their arms and hands.

-Questions et notes:

  • Safety considerations:

    • Be sure volleyball posts are padded.

  • Instructional tips:

    • Control of the ball is crucial to success in this game.

  • Variations:

    • Soccer Tennis: Played the same way as Soccer Volleyball except that this game is played on a tennis court (or a volleyball court with the net hung at tennis height) with 2 people per side.

    • One Bounce Soccer Volleyball (Tennis): For more skilled players limit the number of bounces to one per side each time the ball goes over the net.

Questions ou commentaires?

Veuillez contacter le Dr John Byl au:

(905) 923-0938

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