Long Throw Catch in Cone
Titre 1
Titre 1
Successful catches help players count more points.
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
Manipulative Send
Manipulative Receive
-Liste d'équipement:
One ball and one cone (pylon) per two players.
Many beanbags or a couple decks of cards as counters.

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Players are paired up and stand on opposite sides of a court (volleyball, or basketball...)
One player holds a ball the other player holds a cone.
Place counters (bean bags or playing cards or....) spread out across the middle of the court between the players.
Players throw a ball to their partner on the other side of the court.
Then both players run and switch places.
If the ball is caught in the cone the catcher picks up a counter (bean bag or playing card...) and runs to the other side of the court. The player with the cone gives it to their partner as they pass each other.
If the ball is not caught the catcher just juns to the other side of the court without picking up a counter.
When all the counters are picked up from the centre of the playing area, the game is done, and partners can tally up how many points they scored.
-Questions et notes:
Vary the distance between partners to maximize success.
Questions for Understanding:
What type of throw makes it easiest to catch the object?
What techniques assist a catcher to catch the object?