Your Colour Up With Feet
Titre 1
In a preset time for each team to either have the Topple Tubes blue-side up or yellow-side up.
-Liste d'équipement:
24 Topple Tubes

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Give half of the Topple Tubes to each team.
At the signal to begin the players place their Topple Tube on the ground.
Then the players run to other cones that are flipped for the other team and flip them, only with the use of their feet, for their team's colour being up.
Players cannot flip the same Topple Tube without flipping another one first.
-Questions et notes:
Subs: If there are not enough Topple Tubes to go around have extra players stand on the edge of the playing area. Once a player has flipped one Topple Tube that player runs to the sidelines and tags a waiting player who flip a tube and tags up...
Questions for Understanding:
What are effective techniques or strategies to increase success in this game?
Thanks to Jordan Stolp at NYShape for this idea