Ying Yang You Instructions
Titre 1
To successfully stay in the game as long as possible
-Liste d'équipement:

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Position students in a circle, each one facing the center.
Designate a player to start the game.
Designate a player to start.
Have the starter place one of her hands over her head and point to one of the players beside her (right hand points to the player on the left, left arm points to the player on the right), and shout “Ying.”
The player pointed to responds immediately—if he hesitates he’s out-- with one of his hands held waist high point to a player (right arm points to the player on the left, left arm points to the player on the right) and shouts “Yang.”
The player that was yanged responds immediately by pointing to someone across the circle and shouting “You.”
The player pointed to Yings one of the players on their left or right with a “Ying,” that player follows with a “yang,” and so on.
If a player does not respond immediately, does not use the next correct word, shouts “Ying” without pointing over their head, or shouts “yang” without pointing across their waist, they are out and must sit in the middle of the circle.
Another player is assigned to begin and play continues till there is only one player is left.
-Questions et notes:
Teaching Tips
Start slowly. Once players get the hang of it, speed up the pace. If someone hesitates when it is their turn they are out and sit in the middle. A boisterous ejection call by the teacher, “You’re out of there!” adds intensity and excitement to the game.
Have two or more circles so that when players are out, they simply join another circle.
Question for Understanding:
How can leaders better respond to situations that require quick answers?