StickIt On
Titre 1
To be on the team with the fewest balls on their back or in their hands.
-Liste d'équipement:
StickIt set

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Players are assigned two teams and given blue or red pinnies.
Each player puts one ball on their back.
Players are in a scattered position in the playing area.
On the signal to begin players take a ball of their back and attempt to place the balls onto the backs of their opponents.
Only allowed to add one ball at a time.
Only allowed to hold one ball at a time.
Players may not block backs of their teammates.
Players may not have more than three balls on their backs.
If the ball drops the player needs to pick up the ball—there should be no balls on the floor.
When a pre-set time is completed, the leader stops the game.
Teams count the number of balls on their backs and the team with the fewest balls on their backs or in their hands wins.
-Questions et notes:
What are some of the best offensive strategies to consider? Positioning? Support?
What are some of the best defensive strategies to consider? Positioning? Support?
What might the above say about leadership?