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Cooperative Maze
Titre 1
To determine how quickly a team can roll a ball along the assigned route on a tarp.
-Liste d'équipement:
One Maze
One ball

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
A team of players stands around a tarp.
A player at the beginning of the route holds a ball.
The player holding the ball places the ball on the tarp at the beginning of the route.
The team then attempts to roll the ball along the route to the other end of the tarp.
If a ball falls of the mat (over the edge or through one of the holes), or gets stuck on one of the Velcro spots, play begins anew at the start.
-Questions et notes:
Questions for understanding:
What decisions did the team make to become most successful at this challenge?
Could the team have done it more quickly with a different leadership process? How? Why?
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