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Carry a ball
Titre 1
For a team to successfully pickup a ball together and place on/in a pail.
-Liste d'équipement:
One large ball
One bungee
8-12 Straps

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Teams stand in a circle holding the ends of the nylon straps.
A ball is placed on the floor in the middle of the circle of players.
A pail is placed 10-20 paces away.
On the leader's signal to begin players, while holding onto the ends of the nylon straps, attempt to pick up the ball with the bungee ring.
They then carry the ball to the pail and drop the ball onto/into the pail.
-Questions et notes:
Questions for Understanding:
What are keys to succeeding at this challenge quickly?
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