Titre 1
Players sit back to back and the architect instructs the builder to build a copy of what the architect has--without seeing the object.
-Liste d'équipement:
10 Clothes pegs

-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Pairs of players sit back-to-back.
One player is declared the architect, the other the builder.
Both players hold five clothes pegs.
The architects make a design with their clothes pegs.
When the architects' designs are completed, they try to instruct their partner how to build it.
When the builder thinks the building is completed, the two can check to see how close their designs were.
Flip roles and repeat.
-Questions et notes:
Questions for Understanding:
Showing someone (which was disallowed in this game) helps leaders explain what they want done.
How did the architect most effectively explain how to build their design?
What ways were unhelpful in the process (getting frustrated....)?