Squatter's Rights
Titre 1
Titre 1
Competitors try to tug their opponent off balance.
-Aptitudes motrices fondamentales:
-Liste d'équipement:
One rope per pair of players
One pool noodle per player
-Lien d'équipement:
-Mise en place:
Have 2 competitors hold opposite ends of a rope and assume a squat position with heels on top of a pool noodle (could also do without the pool noodle).
Explain to the competitors that each one tries to tug their opponent off balance. The competitor loses that:
lets go of the rope,
rises to a standing position,
moves a foot,
touches the ground with either hand, or
falls over.
-Questions et notes:
The winners of the first round competing with another winner, while losers challenge another loser.
Go through this process several times till only 2 players have won all their competitions.
The winner of their challenge is the overall winner.
Stork Stand.
Another variation of Squatter’s Rights is to have a pair of contestants stand on 1 foot, hold onto a rope and try and pull each other off balance.